1. Dahiya, Bharat (2022d) “Reinforcing the Cultural Identity of Kurukshetra”, Thematic Session – Planning for Heritage in cities: Rhetoric, discourse, and (in)/action, Track 3 – Heritage, Culture, and Identity, Planning a Global Village: Inclusion, Innovation, and Disruption – 5th World Planning School Congress & Asian Planning School Association
2. Congress 2022, Bali, Indonesia, 31 August (online).
3. Dahiya, Bharat (2022c) “Re-emerging Identity of Kurukshetra: Cultural Geography, Heritage and Tourism”, Thematic Session – Cultural Geography of Asian Cities: Interfacing heritage, tourism, and urbanization in making future sustainable, IGU Commission Session – Cultural Approach in Geography, Time for Geographers: International Geographic Union’s Centennial Congress, Paris, France, 20 July (online).
4. Dahiya, Bharat (2022a) “Towards Sustainable Cities in Asia”, International Conference on Only One Earth: Save Our Mother Earth, World Environment Day, co-organized by Department of Geology, and Centre for Environmental Sciences, University of Madras, and Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST), Chennai, India, 05 June (online).
5. Dahiya, Bharat (2020b) “Practical Transdisciplinarity and Sustainable Urban Development: Innovative Practices of Good Governance in Asia”, International Workshop: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Good Governance, organized by Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 7-8 February,
6. Dahiya, Bharat (2019e) “Transition to Sustainable Urbanization: Planning and Governance of Ger Areas in Ulaanbaatar”, 3rd Asian Regional Conference on Peri-Urbanization (ARCP): Sustainable Urban-Rural Futures, co-organized by School of Planning and Architecture – Bhopal, Tongji University – Shanghai, and Busan University – Busan, held at Bhopal, India, 18 December.
7. Dahiya, Bharat (2019c) “Musing the Message from Invisible: Bhāratīya (Indian) Symbolism and Environmental Ethics vis-à-vis Mother Earth”, Historical Geographies of Location and Cultural Evolution in India, National Conference organized by the Department of Geography, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi in collaboration with the Association for Geographical Studies Seminar Hall, Department of Geography, Delhi School of Economics, Delhi, 13-14 April.
8. Dahiya, Bharat (2019b) “Seeing the Invisible: Mother Earth, Bharatiya Symbolism and Environmental Ethics”, Symbols in Indian Art and Culture: A Global Perspective, International Seminar co-organized by Manav Sanskriti Shodh Sansthan, IGNOU Regional Centre, and National Museum Institute of History of Art, Conservation & Museology, Mahamana Sabhagar, Malviya Mulya Anushilan Kendra, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 4-5 April.
9. Dahiya, Bharat (2019a) “Orkhon Valley Cultural Landscape: Cradle of Mongolian People, Identity and Nationhood”, ACLA–IFLA CLC International Workshop: Cultural Landscapes vis-à-vis Sacred Places: Exposing National Identity, Department of Landscape Architecture, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 18-19 February.
10. Dahiya, Bharat (2017c) “ASEAN at 50: Recalibrating Public Policy for Sustainable Urbanization in Southeast Asia”, Beyond Economics: The Stockholm Statement and Setting Global Policy Priorities – 4th Annual Conference of International Development and Public Policy Alliance (IDPPA), held at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 25-26 October.
11. Dahiya, Bharat (2017b) “ASEAN’s Development Model: Sustainability and Inclusivity in the Urban Context”, ASEAN at 50 - ASEAN’s Development Paradigm – International conference organized by Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Yangon, Myanmar, 16 October.
12. Dahiya, Bharat (2017a) “Formulating Transformative Local Economic Development Strategies for Ulaanbaatar Metropolitan City Region”, Science and Technology in Urban Development – International Conference organized by Ulaanbaatar City Citizens’ Representative Council, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 4-5 May.
13. Dahiya, Bharat (2016a) ‘Green Spaces in Megacity Bangkok’, Models of Development: Global Perspectives on Policy Futures, International Development and Public Policy Alliance (IDPPA) Conference organized by Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), Moscow, Russia, 13-14 October.
14. Dahiya, Bharat (2015c) “Asian Patterns, Indian Dilemmas: Urban Planning and Policy Imperatives for Sustainable Urbanization”, Managing Urban Sustainability Workshop, Department of Architecture and Planning, Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India, 9-10 October.
15. Dahiya, Bharat (2015b) “When Perspective Matters: Science-Policy-Practice of Sustainable Urbanization in Southeast Asia”, Social and Sustainability Sciences in the ASEAN Community: A Regional Research Symposium and Academic Policy Dialogue, co-organized by Chulalongkorn University, ASEAN University Network, UNESCO Asia
and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education et al, Bangkok, Thailand, 19-21 August.
16. Dahiya, Bharat (2015a) “Towards Delhi as a Smart City?”, Delhi: From Seven Cities to Smart City, National Conference organized by the Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi, India, 22-23 July.
17. Dahiya, Bharat (2014e) “Housing Security for Migrants in Asia”, Migration, Security and Development: Conference to Commemorate International Migrants Day, Asian Research Center for Migration, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 17-18 December.
18. Dahiya, Bharat (2014e) “Local Governance and Disaster Management in India”, Workshop on Local Governance and Disaster Response co-organized by East-West Center (Hawai’i) and International Centre for Local Democracy (Sweden), Huangshan City, China, 27-29 October.
19. Dahiya, Bharat (2014d) “Local Democracy, Governance and Development: Some Insights from Urban Asia”, Twenty-First Century Globalization: Alternative Futures and Governance, organized by Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, 14-16 October.
20. Dahiya, Bharat (2014c) “Slum-free Asian Urban Futures?”, Asia Urban Futures Workshop, co-organized by USAID, UN-Habitat, UNDP and UN Global Pulse, Bangkok, 14-15 October.
21. Dahiya, B. (2014b) “The Evolving Practice and Understanding of Urban Resilience in Asia”, Proceedings of Visions Asia Resilience Forum, co-organized by Chulalongkorn University, Social Research Institute (CUSRI), Chula Global Network, BeGood Café, Bangkok, 12-14 September, pp.16-23.
22. Dahiya, Bharat (2014a) “Empowering Local Communities for Climate Change Adaptation: Lessons from Evolving Urban Governance in Ulaanbaatar”, Workshop on Community Resilience and Human Security: From Complex Humanitarian Emergencies to Sustainable Peace and Development, organized by S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 10-11 April.
23. Dahiya, Bharat (2013) “Bringing People to the Centre of Building Urban Resilience”, Expert Working Group Meeting on Advancing Urban Resilience in the Face of Environmental Change, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 22-23 April.
24. Dahiya, Bharat (2012c) “From Theory to Practice: Improving Ger Areas in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia’, Impact Workshop on the Redevelopment of Chinese Urban Villages, co-organized by University College of London, Cardiff University and Sun-Yat Sen University, Guangzhou, China, 6 April.
25. Dahiya, Bharat (2012a) “Building Climate Resilient Cities in Asia-Pacific: Challenges, Progress and Knowledge Perspectives”, Second Asia-Pacific Adaptation Forum, organized by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok, Thailand, 12-13 March.
26. Dahiya, Bharat (2011b) “Managing the Urban Environmental Frontier: Ger Area Expansion in Ulaanbaatar”, International conference on Reconciling poverty eradication and quality of the environment: what are the innovative solutions? co-organized by Veolia Environment Institute and Agence Française de Dèveloppement, Paris, France, 27-28 June.
27. Dahiya, Bharat (2011a) “Cities and Climate Change Initiative, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory in Negombo, Sri Lanka”, Regional Seminar on Low Carbon Initiative of Cities for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change organized by the Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, 16-17 May.
28. Dahiya, Bharat and Anuradha Rajivan (2011) “Climate Change Resilience for Sustainable Cities”, Fifth Asia Pacific Urban Forum, UN-ESCAP, Bangkok, Thailand, 22-24 June.
29. Dahiya, Bharat (2010) “Key Findings of the State of Asian Cities 2010/11 Report”, Advocacy Workshop on The State of Asian Cities 2010/11 Report at the UN Pavilion, World Expo, Shanghai, China, 6 October.
30. Dahiya, Bharat (2009) “Cities and Climate Change Initiative in Asia-Pacific”, Cities and Resilience Dialogue organized by the Rockefeller Foundation, Bangkok, Thailand, 28-29 September.
31. Dahiya, Bharat (2008b) “Background and Objectives of the first-ever State of Asian Cities Report”, The 3rd Asia City Journalist Conference – Seeking Harmonious Cities' from a Media Perspective, and Reflecting on the State of Asian Cities, Side event to World Urban Forum, organised by Knowledge Management Center for Asia and the Pacific (K-CAP) of UN-Habitat ROAP, Nanjing, China, 5 November.
32. Dahiya, Bharat (2008a) “Challenges of Sustainable City Management in Asia-Pacific: UN-Habitat’s Role and Partnerships for the Future”, 2nd Congress of UCLG ASPAC on the theme of Sustainable Cities and Local Governments for a Sustainable World, Pattaya, Thailand, 15-18 July.
33. Dahiya, Bharat (2007) “Sustainable Urbanisation in China: Role of UN-Habitat’s Sustainable Cities Programme”, 2nd International Conference on China’s Urban Development and Planning and the First International Association for China Planning Conference, Beijing, China, 9-11 June.
34. Dahiya, Bharat (2006) “Participatory Upgrading of Ger Areas: A Solution to Mongolia’s Urbanisation Crisis”, National Conference on Community Participation in Ger Area Development, United Nations World Poverty Day, co-organised by United Nations Mongolia and Urban Development Resource Centre, Government (Parliament) House, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 17 October.
35. Dahiya, Bharat (2004) “Urban Environment and Spaces of Self-help in Chennai City”, Centennial Conference of the Association of American Geographers, Philadelphia, USA, 14-19 March.
36. Bigio, Anthony G., and Dahiya, Bharat (2002c) “Urban Environment Portfolio Review: Outcomes and Recommendations”, Urban Thematic Working Group Meeting, The World Bank, Washington DC, 17 December.
37. Bigio, Anthony G., and Dahiya, Bharat (2002b) “Urban Environment Portfolio Review with focus on the Latin America and Caribbean Region”, Urban Thematic Working Group, The World Bank, Washington DC, 26 November.
38. Bigio, Anthony G., and Dahiya, Bharat (2002a) “Urban Environment Portfolio Review”, Urban Thematic Working Group, The World Bank, Washington DC, 24 October. DOI:
39. Dahiya, Bharat (2001b) “Hard Struggle and Soft Gains: Environment, Voluntarism and Governance in Pammal, South India”, International Conference on Rural-Urban Encounters: Managing the Environment of the Peri-Urban Interface, Development Planning Unit, University College London, 9-10 November.
40. Dahiya, Bharat (2001a) “Urban Environment and the Geographies of Voluntarism in Chennai City”, Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British Geographers Conference 2001, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK, 2-5 January.
41. Dahiya, Bharat (2000d) “Participatory Democracy and Urban Governance in India”, 16th European Conference on Modern South Asian Studies, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, 6-9 September.
42. Dahiya, Bharat (2000c) “Conflicts and Governance in Managing Urban Local Commons”, Conference on Environmental Resources: Conflict, Co-operation and Governance, Development and Project Planning Centre, University of Bradford, Bradford, UK, 17-18 May.
43. Dahiya, Bharat (2000b) “Writing Environmental History of Urban Neighbourhoods in Chennai: The Role of Oral Accounts”, Annual Oral History Conference, Pleasure and Danger in the City: Urban Oral History, Birmingham and Midland Institute, Birmingham, England, 1-2 April.
44. Dahiya, Bharat (2000a) “Democracy, Civil Society and Governance in India: Lessons from a Contemporary Urban-Environmental Perspective”, Seminar Series – Centre of South Asian Studies, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, 23 February.
45. Dahiya, Bharat (1997) “The Dilemma of Principles versus Blueprints: The Case of Chennai”, 46th National Town and Country Planners Congress, organized by Institute of Town Planners-India, Mysore, India, 29-31 December.
46. Dahiya, B. (1995) “Plan Making Techniques: Issues and Prospects, The 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments and Haryana Panchayati Raj Act”, Proceedings of 43rd Annual Town and Country Planning Seminar, Institute of Town Planners-India, New Delhi.